Football sustainability news & views

Team Priyankka Arrasu Team Priyankka Arrasu

FFF return to Glastonbury 2024!

FFF returned to Glastonbury on The Information Stage at Silver Hayes where co-director Barney Weston and guests discussed football's impact on sustainability, fashion, and the environment.

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Research Jonny Oakley Research Jonny Oakley

Euro 2024 - ‘The most sustainable European Championship of all time’…

The sun is out, the beer gardens are full, and over two million lucky ticket-holders will be in Germany for this summer’s European Championships hoping their team can go all the way and lift the trophy in July. Before a ball was kicked, however, UEFA’s big aim for the Euros was to make it ‘the most sustainable European Championship of all time’. This is an ambitious goal, but one that UEFA are seemingly determined to tackle head on.

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Elliot Arthur-Worsop Elliot Arthur-Worsop

Championing Climate Action: A Milestone Year

The Women’s World Cup project not only showcased the power of collaboration but also earned Sofie Junge Pedersen the Marcus Rashford Award at the World Football Summit.

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